Amy Boyle-Collins
YLC (Executive Director)
Employer: Children’s Bureau of New Orleans
Title: Marketing & Resource Development Manager
Education: Loyola University
Civic Engagement: New Orleans Redevelopment Authority; Super Bowl Public Relations and Marketing Sub-Committee; Young Leadership Council
Jason Burns
QCS Logistics (VP)
Title: Vice President of Business Development
Education: Vanderbilt University
Civic Engagement: St. Augustine High School Alumni Association; Urban League; World Trade Center’s Transportation Committee; MCAA Board of Directors (Same Day Delivery Industry Association)
Jade Brown-Russell
Caesar’s Entertainment (Attorney)
Title: Counsel of Regional Operations
Education: Howard University; Southern University School of Law
Civic Engagement: Downtown Development District; Urban League; Young Leadership Council; Unity of Greater New Orleans; Appleseed and New Orleans Interagency Council on Homelessness.
Mike Busada
(VP, Gen. Counsel)
Employer: Linden Management, LLC
Title: General Counsel & Vice President
Education: Louisiana State University; Loyola School of Law
Civic Engagement: Eddie Robinson Legacy Society; Red River Valley Association; Shreveport-Bossier Military Affairs Committee; Association of Corporate Counsel.
Ronald Carrere, Jr.
Liberty Bank & Trust (Mortgage Lending)
Title: Mortgage Lending Manager
Education: University of New Orleans
Civic Engagement: Regional Planning Commission; Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee; New Orleans Regional Leadership Institute; Eastern New Orleans Advisory Commission; People United for Armstrong Park
Jaimmé Collins
Adams and Reese LLP (Attorney)
Title: Partner, Attorney
Education: Emory University; Loyola School of Law
Civic Engagement: Children’s Bureau of New Orleans; Cabrini High School President’s Advisory Circle; New Orleans City Board of Trust
Lucas Diaz
City of New Orleans, Mayor’s Office (Dir. of Neighborhood Engagement)
Title: Director of Office of Neighborhood Engagement
Education: Loyola University; University of New Orleans
Civic Engagement: Puentes Nola
Dr. Jay Dumas
Daughters of Charity Health Services of New Orleans (Dentist)
Title: Director of Dental Services; Dentist at Bridge City Center for Youth
Education: Xavier University; Temple School of Dentistry
Civic Engagement: Son of a Saint; Pelican State Dental Society; New Orleans Dental Society; National Dental Association
Monica Edwards
The Monarch Group, LLC (CEO)
Title: President
Education: Princeton University; Clark Atlanta University – Masters
Civic Engagement: New Orleans College Prep Charter School; Greater New Orleans Foundation
Dan Forman
Townsend Healthcare (Dir. Of Dusiness Development)
Title: Director of Business Development
Education: Boston University; William Carey College – Masters of Communication
Civic Engagement: Bridge House; New Orleans Public Library Foundation; GNO Inc. NextGen Council
Michael Griffin
Daughters of Charity (CEO)
Title: President & CEO
Education: Dillard University; Meharry Medical College – Masters
Civic Engagement: Louisiana Primary Care Association; 504 Health Net; Urban League; Louisiana Children’s Museum
Yu Jiang
Xavier University (Dir. of Confucius Inst)
Title: Director of the Confucius Institute
Education: Beijing University; University of Pittsburg – Ph.D.
Jacob Landry
Jefferson Parish School Board (CSO)
Title: Chief Strategy Officer
Education: Louisiana State University; University of Hawaii – Masters
Civic Engagement: Rayne United Methodist Church; Louisiana Bar Foundation Kids Chance Scholarship
Elizabeth Marcell
ReNEW Schools (ED of Intervention Services)
Title: Director of Intervention Services
Education: Smith College; Harvard University- Ph.D.
Civic Engagement: Special Education Advisory Panel to Louisiana Department of Education; Louisiana Special Education Cooperative
Nolan Marshall, III
Scott Cowen Institute (Dir. Of Policy)
Employer: Cowen Institute
Title: Director of Policy & Advocacy
Education: Florida Agriculture & Mechanical university; University of New Orleans – Masters
Civic Engagement: Greater New Orleans Bioscience Economic Development District; Audubon Nature Institute
Todd O. McDonald
Liberty Bank & Trust (Commercial Lending)
Title: Vice President – Commercial Lending
Education: Morehouse College
Civic Engagement: Ozanam Inn; Delgado College; Choice Foundation; Strive Incorporated; Urban Land Institute of Young Leaders; Son of A Saint
Brook Minto
NOMA (Development Dir.)
Employer: New Orleans Museum of Art
Title: Deputy Director of Development and External Affairs
Education: Dartmouth College; Columbia University – Masters
Minh Nyugen
Vietnamese American Young Leaders Assoc. (E.D.)
Employer: Vietnamese American Young Leadership Association
Title: Executive Director
Education: Loyola University; Loyola Marymount – Masters
Civic Engagement: 504 Forward; Asian American Media Coalition
Dana Peterson
Recovery School District (Dep. Superintendent of External Affairs)
Employer: Louisiana Department of Education
Title: Deputy Superintendent of External Affairs
Education: University of Houston
Civic Engagement: Charter Board Council of New Orleans; FirstLine Schools
Dr. Joe Ricks, Jr.
Xavier University (Div. of Business Chair)
Employer: Xavier University
Title: Chair Division of Business
Education: Southeastern Louisiana University; University of New Orleans – Masters; Louisiana State University – Ph.D.
Civic Engagement: Data News Weekly; Louisiana Quality Foundation
Melissa Sawyer
Youth Empowerment Project (E.D.)
Employer: Youth Empowerment Project
Title: Executive Director
Education: McGill University(Quebec); Harvard University – Masters
Civic Engagement: New Orleans Children and Youth Planning Board; New Orleans Crime Coalition; University of New Orleans Institutional Review Board; ASI Federal Credit Union Board
Jeff Schwartz
Broad Community Connections (E.D.)
Employer: Broad Community Connections
Title: Executive Director
Education: University of Wisconsin; Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Masters
Civic Engagement: Regional Planning Commission; Transport for NOLA; Friends of the Lafitte Corridor
Sharonda Williams
City of New Orleans (Chief of Litigation)
Employer: City of New Orleans
Title: Chief Deputy City Attorney
Education: Xavier University; University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill – M.D.; Loyola School of Law
Civic Engagement: Bride House/Grace House; American Civil Liberties Union; Association for Women Attorneys; Louisianan Association of Black Women Attorneys
Jason Williams
JRW and Associates (Attorney)
Employer: Jason Rogers Williams & Associates
Title: President, Attorney
Education: Tulane University; Tulane Law School
Civic Engagement: Innocence Project: Partnership for Youth Development; Audubon Nature Institute; Mayor’s Criminal Justice Council; Federal Public Defenders Conflict Panel; Orleans Parish Public Defenders Conflict Panel